Features / Music Suggestions

Liturgy Help provides comprehensive hymn suggestions for each Sunday and special feast of the Liturgical year. Hymns are carefully selected from our database of over 10,000 liturgical songs according to Lectionary and Missal texts, or the Liturgical Season or theme given for the particular day.

Scripture-Based Music

Liturgy Help provides comprehensive hymn suggestions for each Sunday and special feast of the Liturgical year. Hymns are carefully selected from our database of over 10,000 liturgical songs according to Lectionary and Missal texts, or the Liturgical Season or theme given for the particular day. Each suggestion is complete with information about the music’s melody and rhythm, the textual themes of the lyrics and a suggested usage for during mass. The hymn suggestions can also be filtered by hymnal. There is a hymn search function, and a complete hymnal listing, with all the major Australian, Irish, English and American hymnals represented.

Psalm Settings

Liturgy Help provides psalm suggestions for all major feasts and Sundays. Psalm suggestions are chosen directly from the Lectionary text of the day, and Common Psalms for the season are also represented as alternatives. A variety of different types of settings are given from notable composers and collections throughout Australia and the United States. Psalms can also be filtered by collection, ensuring your parish can select an appropriate setting of the Responsorial Psalm to suit your parish or school’s needs.

Children's Music

Liturgy Help provides a dedicated children’s music service which parishes and particularly schools will find useful. Children’s music suggestions are taken from notable composers throughout Australia and the United States, who write with attention to the musical and liturgical needs of children. Children’s music is provided for all Sundays and major feasts of the Liturgical year and suggestions are relevant to the themes present in the Children’s Lectionary for Mass for each particular day. The children’s music is further categorized according to their suggested usage including a response to the word or welcoming the gospel during any Children’s Liturgy.

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

[+] Hymns: Entrance Antiphon - Jer 29:11,12,14  

[+] Hymns: First Reading - Prv 31:10-13.19-20.30-31  

[-] Hymns: Second Reading - 1 Thes 5:1-6  


[-]  City Of God  

Awake from your slumber! Arise from your sleep!

text & tune: Dan Schutte

music: rousing tune, some variation in verses - moderately easy

theme: mission, ministry, light, build the kingdom

 As One Voice Vol 1 - 57

Catholic Worship (CAN) - 345

Catholic Worship 2 - 453

Celebration - 65

Gather - 294

Gather Aust - 498

 Gather Comp - 678

Gather Comp 2 - 663

Gather 2 - 485

Gather 3 - 766

Glory & Praise 3 - 538

Journeysongs 3 - 813

Never Too Young - 9

One in Faith - 690

Rise Up And Sing - 263

 Ritual Song - 799

Ritual Song 2 - 876

Singing Our Faith - 203

Singing Our Faith 2 - 223

Spirit & Song - 106

We Celebrate 2011 - 788

We Celebrate 2014 - 813

We Celebrate 2017 - 812


[-]  Soon and Very Soon  

Soon and very soon we are goin' to see the King

text & tune: Andraé Crouch

scriptural link: 1 Thess 5: 2

music: simple gospel style song, repetition - moderately easy

theme: second coming, new age with no sorrow

 Gather Comp - 770

Gather Comp 2 - 758

Gather 2 - 555

Gather 3 - 865

Glory & Praise 3 - 750

Journeysongs 3 - 755

Never Too Young - 276

One in Faith - 882

 Ritual Song - 870

Ritual Song 2 - 954

Singing Our Faith - 249

Singing Our Faith 2 - 306

We Celebrate 2011 - 947

We Celebrate 2014 - 974

Worship 4 - 861


[-]  When the Lord in Glory Comes  

When the Lord in glory comes not the trumpets

text: Timothy Dudley-Smith

tune: ST. JOHN'S, 77 77 77 D; Bob Moore

music: haunting and memorable tune, repeated elements in melody, moderately high - moderately easy

theme: endtimes, Christ’s second coming

 Gather Comp - 765

Gather 2 - 554

 Ritual Song - 868

Worship 4 - 863

[-] Hymns: Gospel - Mt 25:14-30  


[-]  City of God, Jerusalem  

City of God, Jerusalem, Where he has set his love

text: Baruch 4-5; Christopher Idle

tune: PURPOSE, 8 6 8 7 8 6 12 8; Martin Shaw

music: haunting metric hymn, repetition, narrow range - moderately easy

theme: promise of the kingdom, Jerusalem, Christ the Saviour, light, chosen ones

 Ritual Song - 486

Worship 4 - 391


[-]  God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending  

God, whose giving knows no ending

text: Robert L. Edwards

tune: BEACH SPRING 87 87 D; Att. to Benjamin F. White

music: simple attractive melody, repetition, metric hymn - easy

theme: service, stewardship, spreading the gospel

We Celebrate 2011 - 799

We Celebrate 2014 - 824

We Celebrate 2017 - 823


[-]  God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending  

God, whose giving knows no ending

text: Robert L. Edwards

tune: RUSTINGTON, 8 7 8 7 D; Charles H. H. Parry

scriptural link: Mt 25: 14-30

music: moderately high, metric hymn, moderately high - moderately easy

theme: service, stewardship, spreading the gospel

One in Faith - 697

 Ritual Song - 794

Ritual Song 2 - 870

Worship 4 - 805


[-]  Jesus, the Very Thought of You  

Jesus, the very thought of you

text: ST. AGNES; John B. Dykes

tune: ST AGNES; Jesu dulcis memoria

music: simple melody, narrow range, metric hymn - easy

theme: Jesus Christ, stewardship, love, humility

Journeysongs 3 - 455

One in Faith - 939

We Celebrate 2011 - 1002


[-]  What You Have Done for Me  

I am the hungry, I am the poor, I am the stranger

text & tune: Alonso, Tony


music: attractive lyrical melody, lilting tune - moderately easy

theme: discipleship, mission, love of others

Gather Comp 2 - 714

Gather 3 - 816

 GIA Octavo - 5608

Ritual Song 2 - 907


[-]  With Gifts That Differ by Your Grace  

With gifts that differ by your grace Your Spirit finds us all

text: Duck, Ruth

tune: MOZART, Mozart, Wolfgang A.

music: simple melody, repetition, metric hymn - easy

theme: Holy Spirit, gifts, renewal, the Church

Worship 4 - 810

[+] Hymns: Gospel - Mt 25:14-15.19-21  

[+] Hymns: Communion Antiphon - Ps 72:28  

[+] Hymns: Communion Antiphon - Mk 11:23-24  



The Most Holy Trinity - Year A

[-] Hymns: First Reading - Ex 34:4-6, 8-9  


[-]  I Will Not Die  

I will not die before I've lived to see that land

text & tune: Tom Conry

music: simple verses with repetition, refrain more harmonically challenging - moderately difficult

theme: God's promise of redemption, justice, kingdom of God, comfort

 As One Voice Vol 1 - 73

Gather - 281

 Gather Comp - 657

Gather 2 - 467

Glory & Praise 3 - 758

 Ritual Song - 771


[-]  The God of Abraham Praise  

The God of Abraham praise

text: Yigdal Elohim Hai; asc. to Daniel ben Judah Dayyah, para by Thomas Olivers

tune: LEONI, 6 6 8 4 D; From the "Yigdal", transcribed by Meyer Lyon

music: metric hymn, moderately high - moderately easy

theme: praise, behold God's face, heaven, sing, the kingdom of God

Catholic Worship 2 - 617

 Gather Comp - 544

 Ritual Song - 685

Worship 4 - 601

[-] Hymns: Second Reading - 2 Cor 13:11-13  


[-]  All Hail, Adored Trinity  

All hail, adored Trinity! All hail, eternal Unity

text: David Chambers

tune: OLD HUNDREDTH, LM; Louis Bourgeois

scriptural link: 2 Cor 13: 13

music: simple noble melody, metric hymn - easy

theme: praise, unity

Glory & Praise 3 - 354

Journeysongs 3 - 446

One in Faith - 658

We Celebrate 2011 - 753

We Celebrate 2014 - 777

We Celebrate 2017 - 776


[-]  All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving  

All praise and glad thanksgiving To God the Father

text: Melvin Farrell, SS

tune: GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN, 76 76; Limburg Gesangbuch

scriptural link: 2 Cor 13: 13

music: simple tune, some repetition, metric hymn with common refrain end - easy

theme: Holy Trinity, praise, One in life, in Persons three.

Glory & Praise 3 - 355

Journeysongs 3 - 445


[-]  Come, Almighty King  

Come now, almighty King, Help us your name to sing

text: Anon.

tune: ITALIAN HYMN, 66 4 666 4; Felice de Giardini

music: attractive and noble melody, metric hymn - easy

theme: Three persons of the Trinity, praise, justice

 Gather Comp - 475

Gather Comp 2 - 486

Gather 3 - 562

Glory & Praise 3 - 359

Journeysongs 3 - 450

Rise Up And Sing - 114

We Celebrate 2011 - 757

Worship 4 - 549


[-]  May the Grace of Christ Our Savior  

May the grace of Christ our savior

text: 2 Cor 13-14;St. 1-2, John Newton;St. 3, C. Andrews

tune: STUTTGART, 8 7 8 7; Christian F. Witt

scriptural link: 2 Cor 13: 13

music: simple melody, metric hymn - easy

theme: blessing, faith, saints, Father, Son, Spirit

Ritual Song 2 - 779

Worship 4 - 672


[-]  Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow  

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow

text: Vs 1, Thomas Ken; Vss 2-3 Isaac Watts (LMGM: vs 1 text only)

tune: OLD HUNDREDTH, LM; Louis Bourgeois

music: simple tune, metric hymn - easy

theme: praise, unity, Trinity

 As One Voice Vol 1 - 10

Catholic Worship - 788

Catholic Worship 2 - 394

Gather Aust - 384

Spirit & Song (New) - 338


[-]  The God of Abraham Praise  

The God of Abraham praise

text: Yigdal Elohim Hai; asc. to Daniel ben Judah Dayyah, para by Thomas Olivers

tune: LEONI, 6 6 8 4 D; From the "Yigdal", transcribed by Meyer Lyon

music: metric hymn, moderately high - moderately easy

theme: praise, behold God's face, heaven, sing, the kingdom of God

Catholic Worship 2 - 617

 Gather Comp - 544

 Ritual Song - 685

Worship 4 - 601

[-] Hymns: Gospel - Jn 3:16-18  


[-]  Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation  

Christ is made the sure foundation

text: "Angularis fundamentum";11th C.; tr. by John Neale

tune: EDEN CHURCH, 8 7 8 7 8 7; Dale Wood

scriptural link: Jn 3: 16

music: strong metric hymn, moderately high, haunting melody - easy

theme: unity and strength in Christ, faith, coming of the kingdom

 Ritual Song - 778


[-]  Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation  

Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

text: "Angularis fundamentum";11th C.; tr. by John Neale

tune: ST. THOMAS

music: simple melody, metric hymn - easy

theme: unity and strength in Christ, faith, coming of the kingdom

 Gather Comp - 662

Gather Comp 2 - 642

Gather 3 - 745


[-]  Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation  

Christ is made the sure foundation

text: "Angularis fundamentum";11th C.; tr. by John Neale

tune: WESTMINSTER ABBEY, 8 7 8 7 8 7; adapt from H. Purcell

scriptural link: Jn 3: 16

music: simple metric hymn, attractive melody - easy

theme: unity and strength in Christ, faith, coming of the kingdom

Catholic Worship (CAN) - 430

Catholic Worship - 640

Celebration - 109

Gather Aust - 482

Journeysongs 3 - 747

Ritual Song 2 - 852

Worship 4 - 732


[-]  Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation  

Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ is head and cornerstone

text: "Angularis fundamentum";7th or 8th cent. Tr. by John M Neale

tune: REGENT SQUARE 87 87 87; Henry T Smart, 1813-1879

music: Rousing tune with some large leaps, repetition, metric hymn - moderately easy

theme: unity, strenght in Christ, faith, coming of the kingdom

One in Faith - 664

We Celebrate 2011 - 758

We Celebrate 2014 - 783

We Celebrate 2017 - 782


[-]  Donde Hay Amor Y Caridad/ Where Charity and Love Abound   

Donde hay amor/ Where charity

text: Based on Ubi Caritas; John 3:16; 15:12-13; 1 John 4:16; Pedro Rubalcava, b. 1958.

tune: Pedro Rubalcava

music: simple flowing melody, repetition, easily learnt - easy

theme: Love, self sacrifice, discipleship

Glory & Praise 3 - 292


[-]  For God So Loved the World  

For God so loved, so loved the world

text: based on John 1:11-12, 3: 14-17, 21, Haugen, Marty and Briehl, Susan

tune: Haugen, Marty

music: gentle and flowing melody, some repetition, variations in verses - moderately easy

theme: providence, salvation, faith, light, love

Gather 3 - 580


[-]  For God So Loved the World  

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son

text & tune: Lanny Wolfe

music: challenging but rousing gospel style hymn, cantor/choir verses - moderately difficult

theme: providence, love, trust

One in Faith - 739


[-]  If You Believe and I Believe  

If you believe and I believe And we together pray

text: Zimbabwean Traditional

tune: Zimbabwean Trad.; adapt of English Trad.; arr Bell

music: joyful African tune, some repetition, works well a cappella - easy

theme: trust, faith, prayer, power of the Holy Spirit

 As One Voice Kids - 100

 Gather Comp - 722

Gather Comp 2 - 708

Gather 2 - 520

Gather 3 - 818

Rise Up And Sing - 251

 Ritual Song - 825

Ritual Song 2 - 904

Singing Our Faith - 258

Singing Our Faith 2 - 267

Worship 4 - 803


[-]  In All Our Grief  

In all our grief and fear

text: Dunstan, Sylvia G.

tune: FREDERICKTOWN, Anders, Charles R.

music: irregular metre, metric hymn - easy

theme: mercy, reconciliation, faith

Worship 4 - 971


[-]  Jesus, Lord  

Jesus, Lord, strengthen us with faith in you

text & tune: Randall DeBruyn

music: gentle and simple melody, part repetition - easy

theme: God's love, faith, trust God's love

Catholic Worship (CAN) - 365

Glory & Praise 3 - 587

Journeysongs 3 - 668


[-]  Love One Another  

Love one another, for love is of God.

text: 1 John 4; James J. Chepponis

tune: James J. Chepponis

scriptural link: Jn 3: 16

music: simple and attractive refrain with repetition, verses have differing melodies (cantor/choir) - moderately difficult

theme: God is love, discipleship

Gather - 268

 Gather Comp - 630

Gather 2 - 446

 Ritual Song - 745

Worship 4 - 693


[-]  My Song Is Love Unknown  

My song is love unknown, My Savior's love for me

text: Samuel Crossman

tune: LOVE UNKNOWN, 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4; John Ireland

music: haunting melody, metric hymn, longer stanzas - moderately easy

theme: passion images, salvation, faith, praise

Catholic Worship 2 - 325

Celebration - 503

Journeysongs 3 - 390

 Ritual Song - 572

Ritual Song 2 - 599

Worship 4 - 490


[-]  Now is Eternal Life  

Now is eternal life, if ris'n with Christ we stand

text: George Wallace Briggs

tune: HAREWOOD, Samuel Sebastian Wesley

music: tuneful melody, metric hymn - easy

theme: eternal life, salvation

Catholic Worship 2 - 362


[-]  Porque de Tal Manera / What Love and Deep Devotion  

Porque de tal manera / What love and deep devotion God showed for the world

text & tune: Krisman, Ronald F.

music: gentle and flowing mantra, some melodic repetition - easy

theme: love, providence, eternal life

Worship 4 - 648


[-]  The Light of Christ  

The light of Christ has come into the world

text & tune: Donald Fishel

music: simple refrain and verses, repetition and slight meter change in refrain - easy

theme: light of Christ, salvation, God’s kingdom, born again of Spirit and water

 As One Voice Vol 1 - 186

Catholic Worship (CAN) - 394

Catholic Worship - 826

Celebration - 703

Gather Aust - 405

Glory & Praise 3 - 688


[-]  What Wondrous Love Is This  

What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul?

text: Alexander Means

tune: WONDEROUS LOVE, 12 9 12 12 9; "Southern Harmony"

scriptural link: Jn 3: 16

music: haunting tune, some repetition, metric hymn - easy

theme: God's great love for us, salvation, the Lamb of God

Celebration - 798

 Gather Comp - 627

Gather Comp 2 - 614

Gather 3 - 642

Glory & Praise 3 - 668

Journeysongs 3 - 719

Never Too Young - 187

One in Faith - 738

 Ritual Song - 749

Ritual Song 2 - 807

Singing Our Faith - 126

Singing Our Faith 2 - 146

Spirit & Song (New) - 364

We Celebrate 2011 - 732

We Celebrate 2014 - 757

We Celebrate 2017 - 756

Worship 4 - 641

[-] Hymns: Communion Antiphon - Gal 4:6  


[-]  Abba! Father!  

Abba, Abba, Father, you are the potter

text: Carey Landry

tune: Carey Landry, acc. by Martha Lesinski

music: simple reflective tune, small range, some long-held notes - easy

theme: discipleship, unity with Christ, praise

Celebration - 7

Glory & Praise 3 - 716

Journeysongs 3 - 600


[-]  Sing Praise to Our Creator  

Sing praise to our Creator

text: Omer Westendorf

tune: GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN, 76 76 with refrain; Limburg Gesangbuch

music: simple melody, rousing refrain - easy

theme: Trinity, unity, praise, guidance, redemption

Catholic Worship - 809

Catholic Worship 2 - 393

One in Faith - 660

 Ritual Song - 620

Singing Our Faith - 160

Singing Our Faith 2 - 177

We Celebrate 2011 - 752

We Celebrate 2014 - 776

We Celebrate 2017 - 775




Third Sunday of Easter - Year A

[-] Psalm Setting for Sunday Easter 3 - Ps 15:1-2. 5. 7-11.  

(R.) Lord, you will show us the path of life. or: Alleluia.


[-]  Psalm 16 (15): Center Of My Life  

O Lord, you are the center of my life

text: Psalm 16 (15); The Grail; refrain, Paul Inwood

tune: Paul Inwood

music: flowing and peaceful melody, simple refrain, more challenging verses -

rating: moderately easy

theme: trust alone in God, faith, comfort

 As One Voice Vol 2 - 170

Celebration - 543

Gather - 251

Gather Aust - 444

 Gather Comp - 598

Gather Comp 2 - 580

Gather 2 - 422

Gather 3 - 679

Glory & Praise 3 - 591

Journeysongs 3 - 665

Ritual Song 2 - 788

Singing Our Faith 2 - 205

Singing the Psalms Vol 1 - 4

Worship 4 - 678


[-]  Psalm 16 (15): Lord, You Will Show Us the Path  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16 (15), The Grail

tune: Jenny O'Brien

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Psalms For Sundays Year A (O’Brien) - 44


[-]  Psalm 16 (15): Lord, You Will Show Us The Path Of Life  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16 (15):1-2. 5. 7-11. R. v.11, The Grail

tune: Ernest Rayson

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Catholic Worship - 299


[-]  Psalm 16 (15): Lord, You Will Show Us The Path Of Life  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16 (15); The Grail

tune: Colin Smith

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Psalms for Year A (Smith) - 41


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, Come Show Us the Path of Life  

Lord, come show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16; Marty Haugen

tune: Marty Haugen

music: melodic setting. longer refrain -

rating: moderately easy

theme: comfort, God as guide and protector

 Gather Comp - 645

Gather 2 - 457


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us  

Lord, you will show us the path of life.

text: Psalm 16: 1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; NAB

tune: Michel Guimont

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Lect Psalms (Guimont) - 46


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us The Path  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Revised Grail

tune: Krisman, Gelineau/Guimont

music: psalm tones -

rating: moderately easy

Lect Psalms Rev. Grail (Gelineau) - 72

Worship 4 - 1082


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us the Path of Life  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 (46); NAB

tune: Scot Crandal

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Living Church Acclaims 2017 - 242


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us the Path of Life  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 [46]; NAB

tune: John Schiavone

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

A Lectionary Psalter (Schiavone) - 68


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show us the Path of Life  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Revised Grail

tune: Bob Hurd; Arr by Craig Kingsbury

music: attractive refrain, verse tone with melodic elements -

rating: moderately easy

Grail Psalms for Sunday Worship - 1


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us the Path of Life   

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; The Grail

tune: Michael Joncas, Laurence Bevenot OSB / Joseph Gelineau, SJ

music: psalm tones -

rating: moderately easy

 Ritual Song - 34


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us The Path Of Life  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Revised Grail

tune: David Haas

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Cry Out With Joy Year A - 76


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us The Path Of Life  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Revised Grail

tune: Tony Alonso

music: attractive melodic setting, gentle melody -

rating: easy

The Lyric Psalter Year A (Haugen/Alonso) - 52


[-]  Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us The Path Of Life  

Lord, you will show us the path of life

text: Psalm 16:1-2a, and 5, 7-8, 9-10; Revised Grail

tune: Michael Guimont

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Gather 3 - 1067

Lect Psalms Rev. Grail (Guimont) - 61


[-]  Psalm 16: Path Of Life  

You will show me the path of life

text: Psalm 16, M Balhoff, G Daigle, D Ducote

tune: M Balhoff, G Daigle, D Ducote

music: melodic setting -

rating: easy

Glory & Praise 3 - 116

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 6 - 7


[-]  Psalm 16: Show Me The Path  

Show me the path for my life

text: Psalm 16, adapt. David Haas

tune: David Haas

music: melodic setting, blues style -

rating: moderately difficult

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 8 - 60


[-]  Psalm 16: The Path of Life  

You will show me the path of life

text: Psalm 16:1-2, 6-8, 9-10, Scott Soper

tune: Scott Soper

music: melodic setting, flowing and attractive tune, longer refrain -

rating: moderately easy

Glory & Praise 3 - 117

Journeysongs 3 - 15

Singing the Psalms Vol 3 - 4


[-]  Psalm 16: You Will Show Me the Path  

You will show me the path of life

text: Psalm 16, Steven C. Warner

tune: Steven C. Warner

music: attractive melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

One in Faith - 227

We Celebrate 2011 - 388

We Celebrate 2014 - 418

We Celebrate 2017 - 419


[-]  Psalm 16: You Will Show Me the Path of Life   

You will show me the path of life

text: Psalm 16:1-2,6-8,9-10; Para. by Marty Haugen

tune: Marty Haugen

music: attractive melodic setting, longer refrain -

rating: moderately easy

Gather - 277

 Gather Comp - 24

Gather 2 - 23

Gather 3 - 30

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 2 - 6

 Ritual Song - 36

Worship 4 - 30


Common Responsorial Psalms

[-] Psalm Setting for Easter - Ps 117:1-2. 16-17. 22-23. R. v.24  

(R.) This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.


[-]  Psalm 118 (117): Alleluia  

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

text: Psalm 118 (117), The Grail

tune: Gregorian Chant Mode VI, Harm Percy Jones

music: Psalm tone -

rating: easy

Catholic Worship - 277


[-]  Psalm 118 (117): Alleluia  

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

text: Psalm 118 (117), The Grail

tune: Colin Smith

music: psalm tone, plainchant refrain -

rating: easy

Psalms for Year A (Smith) - 38

Psalms for Year B (Smith) - 37

Psalms for Year C (Smith) - 38


[-]  Psalm 118 (117): Alleluia  

Alleluia, alleluia, alleuia

text: Psalm 118 (117), The Grail

tune: Jenny O'Brien

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Psalms For Feasts (O’Brien) - 28


[-]  Psalm 118 (117): Alleluia/This Is The Day   

Alleluia/ This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad

text: Psalm 117 (118): 1-2, 16-17, 22-24. The Grail: response from the Lectionary of the Mass

tune: Paul Mason

music: melodic setting, syncopated rhythms in refrain -

rating: moderately easy

Psalms for All Time (Mason) - 92


[-]  Psalm 118 (117): This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Ps 117:1-2. 16-17. 22-23; The Grail

tune: Richard Connolly

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Praise the Lord My Soul - 72


[-]  Psalm 118 (117): This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118 (117), The Grail

tune: Christopher Willcock

music: melodic setting, rhythmic refrain -

rating: moderately difficult

Catholic Worship - 289

Gather Aust - 70

Psalms for Feasts and Seasons - 26


[-]  Psalm 118 (117): This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118 (117), The Grail

tune: Colin Smith

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Psalms for Year A (Smith) - 39

Psalms for Year B (Smith) - 38

Psalms for Year C (Smith) - 39


[-]  Psalm 118: Alleluia  


text: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Revised Grail

tune: Chant, Mode VIII;acc. Batastini

music: psalm tone, melismatic refrain -

rating: moderately easy

Lect Psalms Rev. Grail (Gelineau) - 69

Worship 4 - 1069


[-]  Psalm 118: Alleluia  

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

text: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Revised Grail

tune: Michael Guimont

music: psalm tone -

rating: moderately easy

Gather 3 - 1055

Lect Psalms Rev. Grail (Guimont) - 58


[-]  Psalm 118: Alleluia  

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

text: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Revised Grail

tune: Paul Tate

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Cry Out With Joy Solemnities - 100


[-]  Psalm 118: Alleluia! Let Us Rejoice!  

Alleluia! Alleluia!

text: Psalm 118:24,1,16-17,22-23; Para. by David Haas

tune: David Haas

music: joyful melodic setting, call-response refrain, best with 3 cantors, high verses -

rating: moderately difficult

Celebration - 38

Gather - 51

 Gather Comp - 113

Gather 2 - 101

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 3 - 20


[-]  Psalm 118: Alleluia, Alleluia  

Alleuia, alleluia, alleluia

text: Psalm 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23; NAB

tune: Michel Guimont

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Lect Psalms (Guimont) - 41


[-]  Psalm 118: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia  

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

text: Psalm 118 (117), The Grail

tune: Christopher Willcock

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Psalms for Feasts and Seasons - 70


[-]  Psalm 118: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!  

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

text: Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 (41); NAB

tune: Based on O Filii et Filliae, arr by Scot Crandal

music: melodic setting, begins with modulating refrain (x3) -

rating: moderately easy

Living Church Acclaims 2016 - 250

Living Church Acclaims 2017 - 226

Living Church Acclaims 2018 - 236


[-]  Psalm 118: Alleluia/This is the Day  

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

text: Psalm 118, M Balhoff, G Daigle, D Ducote

tune: M Balhoff, G Daigle, D Ducote

music: melodic setting, verses differ -

rating: moderately difficult

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 6 - 36


[-]  Psalm 118: Let Us Rejoice  

Alleluia, alleluia/ This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad

text: Psalm 118:1-2,16-17,22-23; Para. by Marty Haugen

tune: Marty Haugen

music: joyful melodic setting, catchy and memorable tune -

rating: moderately easy

Gather - 50

Gather Aust - 71

 Gather Comp - 114

Gather Comp 2 - 65

Gather 2 - 102

Gather 3 - 81

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 1 - 45

 Ritual Song - 158

Ritual Song 2 - 94

Singing Our Faith - 42

Worship 4 - 92


[-]  Psalm 118: Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad   

This is the day that the lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad

text: Based on Psalm 118: 1, 4, 13-15, 22-24. Tom Tomaszek

tune: Tom Tomaszek

music: contemporary melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Revised Grail

tune: Proulx, Gelineau/Guimont

music: psalm tones -

rating: moderately easy

Lect Psalms Rev. Grail (Gelineau) - 70

Worship 4 - 1079


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day  

This is the day that the Lord has made

text: Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-24, Scott Soper

tune: Scott Soper

music: energetic melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Glory & Praise 3 - 191

Journeysongs 3 - 99

Singing the Psalms Vol 2 - 52


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is the Day  

This is the day that the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118; refrain text ICEL, NAB

tune: Bobby Fisher

music: contemporary joyful melodic setting, longer refrain -

rating: moderately difficult

Glory & Praise 3 - 335

Journeysongs 3 - 423

Never Too Young - 58

Spirit & Song - 82

Spirit & Song (New) - 91


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is the Day  

This is the day that the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118; Tom Tomaszek

tune: Tom Tomaszek

music: melodic setting, ballad style -

rating: moderately easy

Spirit & Song - 81


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118: (24); 2-3, 4, 24, 1, 21, 8-9; 13-14, 29; 15, 22; 23-24; 26; 16-17, John Foley

tune: John Foley, SJ

music: joyful melodic setting -

rating: easy

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 7 - 48


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118: 24, 1-2, 16-17, 22-23; refrain text ICEL; Michael Joncas; NAB.

tune: Michael Joncas

music: rousing melodic setting, verses differ -

rating: moderately difficult

 As One Voice Vol 1 - 193

Gather Comp 2 - 64

Gather 3 - 82

Glory & Praise 3 - 192

Journeysongs 3 - 98

Ritual Song - 576

Ritual Song 2 - 96

Singing the Psalms Vol 1 - 74


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118:1-2, 15c-16a and 17, 22-23 Revised Grail

tune: Marty Haugen

music: melodic setting (revised) -


The Lyric Psalter Year A (Haugen/Alonso) - 46

The Lyric Psalter Year B (Haugen/Alonso) - 52


[-]  Psalm 118: This is the Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118:1-2, 15c-16ab, 17, 22-23; Alan J Hommerding

tune: Alan J Hommerding

music: joyful melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

One in Faith - 286

Sing Out! A Children's Psalter (WLP) - 28

We Celebrate 2011 - 439

We Celebrate 2014 - 469

We Celebrate 2017 - 470


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Revised Grail

tune: Paul Tate

music: psalm tone -

rating: moderately easy

Cry Out With Joy Solemnities - 104


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice

text: Psalm 118, The Revised Grail

tune: James J. Chepponis

music: extended triumphant melodic setting, SATB in sections of verses -

rating: moderately difficult

Ritual Song 2 - 95

Worship 4 - 93


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day  

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad

text: Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; NAB

tune: Owen Alstott

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Glory & Praise 3 - 827

Respond and Acclaim 2017 - 73

Respond and Acclaim 2018 - 76


[-]  Psalm 118: This is the Day   

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

text: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; The Revised Grail Psalms, 2010, Conception Abbey and the Grail, admin GIA Publications

tune: Leon C. Roberts

music: psalm tone -

rating: moderately easy

Ritual Song 2 - 97


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made  

This is the day that the Lord has made

text: Psalm 118:24, Timothy R. Smith

tune: Timothy R. Smith

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately difficult

Singing the Psalms Vol 4 - 71


[-]  Psalm 118: This is the Day the Lord has Made  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 (42); NAB

tune: Scot Crandal

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Living Church Acclaims 2016 - 254

Living Church Acclaims 2017 - 230

Living Church Acclaims 2018 - 240


[-]  Psalm 118: This is the Day the Lord has Made  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 [42]; NAB

tune: John Schiavone

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

A Lectionary Psalter (Schiavone) - 65


[-]  Psalm 118: This Is The Day The Lord Has Made  

This is the day the Lord has made

text: Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; NAB

tune: J. Michael Joncas; 2009

music: melodic setting, longer refrain -

rating: moderately easy

The Michael Joncas Psalter - 38


[-]  Psalm 90: Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad   

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad

text: Based on Psalm 188: 1, 4, 13-15, 22-24. Tom Tomaszek

tune: Tom Tomaszek

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Spirit & Song (New) - 90


[-] Psalm Setting for Easter - Ps 65:1-7. 16. 20. R. v.1  

(R.) Let all the earth cry out to God with joy, alleluia.


[-]  Psalm 66 (65): Let All The Earth  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66 (65), The Grail

tune: Christopher Willcock

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately difficult

Catholic Worship - 308

Gather Aust - 45

Psalms for Feasts and Seasons - 28


[-]  Psalm 66 (65): Let All The Earth  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66 (65), The Grail

tune: Jenny O'Brien

music: melodic setting, some repetition -

rating: easy

Psalms For Sundays Year A (O’Brien) - 48

Psalms For Sundays Year C (O’Brien) - 77


[-]  Psalm 66 (65): Let All The Earth  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66 (65); The Grail

tune: Colin Smith

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Psalms for Year A (Smith) - 46

Psalms for Year C (Smith) - 65


[-]  Psalm 66 (65): Let All The Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out to God

text: Ps 65:1-7. 16; The Grail

tune: Richard Connolly

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Praise the Lord My Soul - 35


[-]  Psalm 66 (65): Let all the Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy, Alleluia! Alleluia!

text: Psalm 66 (65): 1-7, 16, 20. The Grail; response from the Lectionary of the Mass trans. ICEL

tune: Paul Mason

music: melodic setting -

rating: easy


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All the Earth  

Let all the earth cry out to God

text: Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20 (102); NAB

tune: Scot Crandal

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Living Church Acclaims 2016 - 354


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66: (1-2); 1-2, 3-4, 5-7, 16-19, 20, John Foley, SJ

tune: John Foley, SJ

music: melodic setting, verse melodies and meters differ, some extended -

rating: moderately difficult

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 7 - 24


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a, 16 and 20, Revised Grail

tune: Marty Haugen

music: attractive melodic setting (revision) -

rating: moderately difficult

The Lyric Psalter Year A (Haugen/Alonso) - 59

The Lyric Psalter Year C (Haugen/Alonso) - 117


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a, 16 and 20; Revised Grail

tune: Michael Guimont

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Gather 3 - 1076

Gather 3 - 1133

Lect Psalms Rev. Grail (Guimont) - 70

Lect Psalms Rev. Grail (Guimont) - 125


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All the Earth  

Let all the earth cry out with joy to the Lord

text: Psalm 66:1-3,12,16,19; Para. by Marty Haugen

tune: Marty Haugen

music: attractive and joyful melodic setting -

rating: moderately difficult

 As One Voice Vol 2 - 152

Gather - 35

Gather Aust - 44

 Gather Comp - 65

Gather Comp 2 - 45

Gather 2 - 61

Gather 3 - 59

Psalms for the Church Year Vol 1 - 42

 Ritual Song - 93


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All the Earth   

Let all the earth cry out, cry out to God with joy

text: Based on Psalm 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20. Scott Soper

tune: Scott Soper

music: lively contemporary melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Glory & Praise 3 - 159

Spirit & Song (New) - 73


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All the Earth  

Let all the earth cry out, cry out to God with joy

text: Based on Psalm 66:1-5, 16, Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek

tune: Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek

music: contemporary melodic setting, lively rhythms -

rating: moderately easy

Journeysongs 3 - 55

Spirit & Song - 69

Spirit & Song (New) - 74


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out to God

text: Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20 [55], [120], [174-11]; Common Spalm for Easter; NAB

tune: John Schiavone

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

A Lectionary Psalter (Schiavone) - 77

A Lectionary Psalter (Schiavone) - 133

A Lectionary Psalter (Schiavone) - 218


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66, NAB, Bob Halligan

tune: Bob Halligan

music: melodic setting -

rating: moderately easy

Journeysongs 3 - 56

Never Too Young - 49


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All the Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66: 1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20; NAB

tune: Michel Guimont

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Lect Psalms (Guimont) - 116

Lect Psalms (Guimont) - 55


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66: 1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16-20; the Grail

tune: Hutmacher, Chant tone 8G/Joseph Gelineau, SJ

music: psalm tones -

rating: moderately easy

Lect Psalms (Gelineau) - 853


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a, 16 and 20; Revised Grail

tune: Paul Tate

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Cry Out With Joy Year A - 90

Cry Out With Joy Year C - 162


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All the Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy, with joy.

text: Psalm 66:1-7, 16-17 Ref. ICEL; The Grail

tune: Rory Cooney

music: melodic setting, moderately high -

rating: easy

Glory & Praise 3 - 158

Journeysongs 3 - 57

Singing the Psalms Vol 4 - 34


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth Cry Out  

Let all the earth cry out, cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a, 16 and 20; Revised Grail

tune: Hutmacher, Gelineau/Guimont

music: psalm tones -

rating: moderately easy

Lect Psalms Rev. Grail (Gelineau) - 83

Worship 4 - 1150

Worship 4 - 1091


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth Cry Out  

Let all they earth cry out to God with Joy

text: Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20; NAB

tune: Owen Alstott

music: psalm tone -

rating: easy

Glory & Praise 3 - 838

Respond and Acclaim 2017 - 82


[-]  Psalm 66: Let All The Earth Cry Out To God  

Let all the earth cry out, cry out to God with joy

text: Psalm 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20, NAB

tune: J. Michael Joncas

music: melodic setting, longer refrain -

rating: moderately easy

The Michael Joncas Psalter - 41


[+] Psalm Setting for Easter - Ps 135:1-3. 4-6. 7-9. 24-26  

(R.) His love is everlasting.

[+] Psalm Setting for Easter - Ps 136:1, 3, 16, 21-23, 24-26  

(R.) His love is everlasting.




Second Sunday of Lent - Year A



[+]  Psalm 33 (32): Lord, Be With Us  

text: Psalm 33; Christopher Walker, adapted for young children

tune: Christopher Walker


[+]  Psalm 33 (32): Lord, Let Your Mercy Be On Us  

text: Psalm 33 (32); The Grail

tune: Colin Smith


[+]  Psalm 33 (32): Lord, Show Your Mercy   

text: Psalm 33 (32), The Grail

tune: Jenny O'Brien


[+]  Psalm 33: Let Your Mercy Be On Us  

text: Psalm 33:1,4-5,12,18-19,20,22; Para. by Marty Haugen

tune: Marty Haugen


[+]  Psalm 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy Be On Us  

text: Psalm 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 and 22; Revised Grail

tune: David Haas


[+]  Psalm 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy Be On Us  

text: Psalm 33:4-5,18-19,20,22; The Grail (CCH: NAB)

tune: Michel Guimont


[+]  Psalm 51 (50): Be Merciful, O Lord  

text: Psalm 51 (50); CEV; Michael Mangan

tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Psalm 51 (50): Create A New Heart  

text: Based on Psalm 51 (50); Michael Mangan

tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Psalm 51: Be Merciful, O Lord  

text: Psalm 51:3a, 3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17

tune: Carey Landry


[+]  Psalm 51: Remember, O Lord, Your Faithfulness  

text: Psalm 51:1-2, 10-11, 12, 15; adapted for children

tune: Michael Bedford

[-]Gospel Acclamation  


[+]  Lenten Acclamation  

text & tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Lenten Acclamation - "Mass of Light"  

text: "Mass of Light" David Haas

tune: David Haas


[+]  Lenten Gospel Acclamation  

tune: ‘Mass of a Joyful Heart’ Steve Angrisano and Thomas N. Tomaszek


[+]  Lenten Gospel Acclamation  

text & tune: Brian Boniwell


[+]  Lenten Gospel Acclamation  

text & tune: Joe Regan


[+]  Lenten Gospel Acclamation  

text & tune: Owen Alstott


[+]  The Good News Of God Is For You (Listen To His Words)  

text: adapted for young children, Christopher Walker

tune: Christopher Walker




All Saints

[-]General Children's Hymns  


[-]  All Glory, Laud, and Honor  

All glory, laud, and honor To you, Redeemer King!

text: "Gloria, laus et honor"; Theoldulph of Orleans

tune: ST. THEODULPH, 7 6 7 6 D; Melchior Teschner

music: stately melody, simple refrain with repetition, moderately high refrain and verse - easy

theme: honour and praise to Christ Redeemer, Christ the King

usage: Gathering, thanksgiving

Catholic Worship - 229

Catholic Worship 2 - 303

Celebration - 17

Gather Aust - 309

 Gather Comp - 402

Gather Comp 2 - 421

Gather 3 - 498

Glory & Praise 3 - 284

Journeysongs 3 - 366

One in Faith - 441

Rise Up And Sing - 94

 Ritual Song - 563

Ritual Song 2 - 585

We Celebrate 2011 - 547

We Celebrate 2014 - 576

We Celebrate 2017 - 579


[+]  Alleluia, Raise The Gospel  

text: Owen Alstott

tune: Bernadette Farrell


[+]  As A Fire Is Meant For Burning  

text: Ruth Duck (NB:revised text in later editions)

tune: BEACH SPRING 8787D; Ruth Duck


[+]  Attend With A Listening Heart  

text & tune: Andrew Chinn


[+]  Be Not Afraid  

text: Isaiah 43:2-3, Luke 6:20ff; Bob Dufford, SJ

tune: Bob Dufford, SJ; acc. by Sr. Theophane Hytrek, OSF


[+]  Beatitudes  

text & tune: Andrew Chinn


[-]  Blessed Feasts of Blessed Martyrs  

Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs, holy women, holy men

text: O beata, beatorum. Trnslated by John M Neale

tune: HYMN TO JOY 8 7 8 7 D; L van Beethoven

music: simple melody, metric hymn - easy

theme: Saints, martyrs, praise, faith, hope

usage: Gathering, preparation of the gifts, thanksgiving

Singing Our Faith - 275

Singing Our Faith 2 - 291


[+]  Blest Are They  

text: The Beatitudes

tune: David Haas


[+]  Bring Forth the Kingdom  

text & tune: Marty Haugen


[+]  Children of Our Time  

text & tune: Ray Paxton


[+]  Children of the Light  

text & tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Christ Is the King  

text: George K. A. Bell

tune: GELOBT SEI GOTT, 888 w. alleluias; Melchior Vulpius


[+]  City Of God  

text & tune: Dan Schutte


[+]  Do What Jesus Did  

text & tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Faith, Hope and Love  

text & tune: Trisha Watts


[-]  For All the Saints  

For all the saints, who from their labors rest

text: William W. How

tune: SINE NOMINE, 10 10 10 with alleluias; R.V. Williams

music: energetic and rousing melody, metric hymn with alleluia refrain - easy

theme: praise, witness, faith, saints

usage: thanksgiving, sending forth

Catholic Worship (CAN) - 449

Catholic Worship - 679

Catholic Worship 2 - 439

Celebration - 176

Gather Aust - 551

 Gather Comp - 793

Gather Comp 2 - 791

Gather 3 - 884

Glory & Praise 3 - 388

Journeysongs 3 - 504

Never Too Young - 131

One in Faith - 899

Rise Up And Sing - 117

 Ritual Song - 889

Ritual Song 2 - 984

Spirit & Song (New) - 292

We Celebrate 2011 - 968

We Celebrate 2014 - 989

Worship 4 - 891


[+]  For the Beauty of the Earth  

text: Folliot S. Pierpont

tune: DIX, 7 7 7 7 77; arr. from Conrad Kocher by Wm. H. Monk


[+]  Go Make a Difference  

text: Matthew 5:13-16; Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek

tune: Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek


[+]  Heaven Shall be Yours  

text: (The Beatitudes) Based on Mt 5:3-18; Michael Mangan

tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Here At This Table  

text & tune: Janet Sullivan Whitaker and Max Whitaker


[+]  Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty  

text: Reginald Heber

tune: NICAEA, 11 12 12 10; John B. Dykes


[+]  I Am the Bread of Life / Yo Soy el Pan de Vida  

text: John 6; Suzanne Toolan, SM

tune: BREAD OF LIFE, Irr. with refrain; Suzanne Toolan; Acc. Diana Kodner


[+]  I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light  

text: Eph 5:8-10, Rv 21:23, Jn 12:46, 1 Jn 1:5; Heb 12:1; Kathleen Thomerson

tune: HOUSTON, 10 7 10 8 9 9 10 7; Kathleen Thomerson


[+]  Jerusalem, My Happy Home  

text: Joseph Bromehead

tune: LAND OF REST, CM; American;harm. by Richard Proulx


[+]  Jesus, You Live In Our Hearts  

text & tune: Damien Halloran & Maria Millward


[+]  Lead Me, Lord  

text: based on Matthew 5:3-12; John 14:6 John D. Becker

tune: John D. Becker


[+]  Let Us Rejoice in the Lord  

text & tune: Bobby Fisher and Greg Lee


[+]  Lift High the Cross  

text: 1 Cor 1:18; George W. Kitchin & Michael R. Newbolt

tune: CRUCIFER, 10 10 with refrain; Sydney H. Nicholson


[+]  Light For The Journey  

text: A Litany of the Saints; Michael Mangan

tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Light The Way  

text & tune: Andrew Chinn


[+]  Litany  

text & tune: Matt Maher


[+]  Litany of Saints  

text & tune: John Schiavone


[+]  Litany Of The Saints  

text: ICEL, Roman Missal 2010

tune: Roman Missal Chant


[+]  Litany of the Saints  

text: Litany of Saints/ Roman Missal 1970 (this chant has been revised in Roman Missal 2010)

tune: Traditional Chant


[+]  Love God, Love Each Other  

text: Based on Mt 22:34-40 (The Great Commandment); Michael Mangan

tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Make Me a Channel of Your Peace / Prayer of St Francis  

text: Prayer of St. Francis; adapt. by Sebastian Temple

tune: Sebastian Temple; acc. by Diana Kodner (RS: R. Batastini)


[+]  Maybe We Can Imagine  

text: Based on Ephesians 3:16-19; Michael Mangan

tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Now We Remain  

text: Corinthians, 1 John, 2 Timothy; David Haas

tune: David Haas


[+]  O God of Love, O King of Peace  

text: Henry W. Baker

tune: TALLIS CANON, LM; Thomas Tallis


[+]  O God On High  

text & tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Oh When The Saints  

text: Traditional

tune: WHEN THE SAINTS; arr by Carey Landry and Hal Wright


[+]  Open My Eyes  

text & tune: Andrew Chinn


[+]  Peace Prayer  

text: From the Prayer of St Francis; Michael Mangan

tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  People of God  

text & tune: Andrew Chinn


[+]  Praise To You, Lord Jesus Christ  

text & tune: Tony Barr


[+]  Prophets  

text: Inspired by "The Romero Prayer"; Michael Mangan

tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  Rejoice with All the Saints   

text & tune: Timothy R. Smith


[+]  Saints Of God  

text: based on litany of the Saints, Mark Friedman and Janet Vogt

tune: Mark Friedman and Janet Vogt


[+]  Shine Out For Jesus  

text & tune: David MacGregor


[+]  Sing A Song To The Saints  

text & tune: Jack Louden


[+]  Sing Our God Together  

text & tune: David Haas, Marty Haugen


[+]  Tell the Good News  

text & tune: Andrew Chinn


[+]  The Beatitudes  

text: Matthew 5:3-11; Peter Kearney

tune: Peter Kearney


[+]  The House of the Lord  

text: Elizabeth Ford & Nathaniel Ford; based on Psalm 122

tune: Elizabeth Ford & Nathaniel Ford


[+]  The Way, The Truth, The Life  

text & tune: Andrew Chinn


[+]  They'll Know We Are Christians  

text: Peter Scholtes

tune: ST. BRENDAN'S, 7 6 7 6 8 6 with refr.; P. Scholtes


[+]  This Little Light of Mine  

text: African-American Spiritual

tune: African-American Spiritual; arr. by James Moore, Jr.


[+]  To Know, Worship And Love  

text & tune: Kate Abba & Julia Abrahams


[+]  Unwavering   

text & tune: Matt Maher


[+]  We Are All Saints  

text & tune: Michael Mangan


[+]  We Are Called  

text: Micah 6:8; David Haas

tune: David Haas


[+]  We Are The Church  

text & tune: Christopher Walker


[+]  We Are the Light of the World  

text: Matthew 5:3-11, 14-16; Jean Anthony Greif

tune: Jean Anthony Greif